Massachusetts Historical Society

Past and Current MHS Short-term Fellowship Recipients

African American Studies Fellows, 1999-

Andrew Oliver Research Fellows, 1996-

Andrew W. Mellon Fellows, 1996-

Benjamin F. Stevens Fellows, 1996-

C. Conrad & Elizabeth H. Wright Fellowship

Boston Marine Society Fellows, 2002-2005

Cushing Academy Fellows, 2012-2014

Kenneth and Carol Hills Fellowship in Colonial History

Library Fund Fellow, 2001

Louis Leonard Tucker Alumni Fellows, 2011-

Malcolm and Mildred Freiberg Fellows, 2009-

Marc Friedlaender Fellows, 1999-

Mary B. Wright Environmental History Fellows

Massachusetts Historical Society Research Fellows, 2016-

The Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati Fellows, 1997-

Military Historical Society of Massachusetts Fellowship

Paine Publication Fund Fellow, 2010

Paul Revere Memorial Association Fellows, 1996-2003

Ruth R. & Alyson R. Miller Fellows, 1998-

Society of Colonial Wars Fellows

Society of Colonial Wars of Massachusetts Fellows, 1997-2004

Twentieth-Century History Fellows, 2006-2010

W. B. H. Dowse Fellows, 1996-

African American Studies Fellowship


Brigitte Lewis
University of Chicago
The Legend of Neptune: The Life of Nipton - A History of Slavery, Freedom, Land, and Community in Three Centuries of New England


Jesse Olsavsky
Duke Kunshan University
“Fire and Sword Will Affect More Good": Runaways, Vigilance Committees, and the Rise of Revolutionary Abolitionism, 1835-1861


Evan Turiano
City University of New York
Running Toward Abolition: Fugitive Slaves, Legal Rights, and the Coming of the Civil War


Aston Gonzalez
Salisbury University
Brilliant Contests: Black Genius during the Long Nineteenth Century


Crystal Webster
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Beyond the Boundaries of Childhood: Nineteenth Century Black Children’s Cultural and Political Resistance


Natalie Joy
Northern Illinois University
Abolitionists and Indians in the Antebellum Era


James Shinn
Yale University
Republicans, Reconstruction, and the Origins of U.S. Imperialism in the Caribbean, 1865-1878


Ben Davidson
New York University
Freedom's Generation: Coming of Age in the Era of Emancipation


Westenley Alcenat
Columbia University
"Escape to Zion: Black Emigration and the Elusive Quest for Citizenship, 1816-1868"


Eric Otremba
Macalester College
"Enlightened Institutions: Science, Slavery, and Plantation Agriculture in the English Atlantic, 1626-1720"


Heather Cooper
University of Iowa
"Representing the Race: African American Performances of Slavery and Freedom in the Nineteenth Century"


Millington Bergeson-Lockwood
University of Michigan
"Not as Supplicants but as Citizens: Race, Party, and African American Politics in Boston, Massachusetts, 1864-1903"


Richard Boles
The George Washington University
"Divided Faiths: The Rise of Segregated Northern Churches"


Karen Woods Weierman
Worcester State College
The Case of the Slave-Child, Med: The Geography of Freedom in Antebellum Boston


Shevaun Watson
University of South Carolina
African American Studies Testimony & Transformation: African American Rhetorical Performance, 1729-1829


Hilary N. Green
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Educational Reconstruction: African-American Education in the Urban South, 1865-1890


Maria Alessandra Bollettino
University of Texas at Austin
Slavery, War, and Empire: The Meaning of the Seven Years War for the African Atlantic World


Christianna Elrene Thomas
Ohio State University
A Cry for Mercy: An Examination of African Americans and Religion in Eighteenth-Century New England


Reginald Howard Pitts
Elkins Park, Pennsylvania
Harriet E. "Hattie" Wilson: Life After Our Nig; or A Small Medium at Large


Matt Clavin
American University
"Men of Color, to Arms!" Remembering Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian Revolution in the American Civil War


Thomas L. Doughton
Independent Scholar
Good Masters Well Served: Slavery and African Americans in Cotton Mather's Boston


Jeannine DeLombard
University of Puget Sound
"At the Bar of Public Opinion": Black Testimony and White Advocacy in Antebellum Literary Abolitionism


Chernoh M. Sesay, Jr.
Northwestern University
"all things are changeable": The Worlds of Prince Hall and the Development of Black Atlantic Identities, 1760-1820


Lois Brown
Mount Holyoke College
"Free at Last?" Former Slaves in Boston's Home for Aged Colored Women, 1861-1900

Andrew Oliver Research Fellowship


Karah Mitchell
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"The Call of Kind": Humanizing the Animal in American Literature, 1830-1918


Jacqueline Marie Musacchio
Wellesley College
At Home Abroad: Anne Whitney and American Women Artists in Nineteenth-Century Italy


Thomas Brown
University of South Carolina
Monograph on the Shaw Memorial


Chip Badley
University of California, Santa Barbara
The Practiced Eye: Painting and Queer Personhood in Nineteenth-Century America


Ann Daly
Brown University
Hard Money: The Making of a Specie Currency, 1828-1860


Susan Eberhard
University of California - Berkeley
Artisanal Currencies: Silver Circulations of the US-China Trade, 1784-1876


Kimberly Alexander
University of New Hampshire
Exploring Anglicization Through Pre-1750 Textiles


Joseph Lasala
Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies
Fiske Kimball's Thomas Jefferson Architect


Mark Thompson
University of Groningen
Land, Liberty, and Property: Surveyors and the Production of Empire in British North America


Katherine Smoak
Johns Hopkins University
Circulating Counterfeits: Making Money and its Meanings in the Eighteenth-Century British Atlantic


Katelyn Crawford
University of Virginia
Mobility and Portrait Painting in the Late Eighteenth-Century British Atlantic World


Mary Katherine Matalon
University of Texas, Austin
From Painting to Porcelain: American Women Collectors, c. 1780-1915


Annie Rudd
Columbia University
The Performance of Everyday Life: A History of the Photographic Pose


Mazie Harris
Brown University
"To Feast Our Bodily Eyes": Nineteenth Century American Portrait Vignettes and Card Albums


Mary Niall Mitchell
University of New Orleans
The Real Ida May: A Story of Slavery, Freedom, and Race in Antebellum America


Christopher Reed
Lake Forest College
Bachelor Japanists: Japanese Aesthetics and the Construction of Masculinity


Emily Gerhold
Virginia Commonwealth University
American Beauties: Breasts in Nineteenth Century American Art and Culture


Caroline Baer Frank
Brown University
China as Object and Idea in the Making of an American Identity, 1680-1820


Wendy J. Katz
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
The Truthful Likeness in 17th–Century Boston


Christopher Lukasik
Boston University
Discerning Characters: Social Distinction and The Face in American Literary and Visual Culture, 1780-1850


JoAnne Marie Mancini
University College Cork
A Culture in Colour: Chromolithography in Massachusetts, 1860-1900


Carma R. Gorman
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Cultivating Audiences: Henry Sargent and the Marketing of Art in the United States, 1795-1845


Shannon Ross McBriar
Oxford University
The Works of Washington Allston


Phillip H. Round
University of Iowa
Citizenship in Black and White: Early National Identity and the Popularity of Silhouettes


Eric Robert Papenfuse
Yale University
Canvas and Quill: John Singleton Copley, Mercy Otis Warren, and the Cultural Construction of American Independence

Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship


Richard Bell
University of Maryland
The First Freedom Riders: Streetcars and Street Fights in Jim Crow New York

Armando Chávez-Rivera
University of Houston-Victoria & North American Academy of the Spanish Language
Alexander Hill Everett, Richard Robert Madden, and U.S. Influences over Cuba in 1835-45

Daniel Doherty
Durham University
"Bleeding Massachusetts": Anti-Abolitionist and Anti-Black Violence in the Antebellum North

Andre Fleche
Castleton University
The American Civil War and the Shaping of the Western Hemisphere, 1848-1877

Mercedes Haigler
University of Virginia
Settled Out of Doors: Social Life, Everyday Spaces, and the Development of Partisanship in Philadelphia and Washington City (1790-1832)

Betsy Klimasmith
University of Massachusetts, Boston
Staging Ephemerality: The Theatrics of Sedgwick’s Hope Leslie

Jeremy Land
University of Helsinki
Trans-Imperial Trade and the American Revolution

Leo Lovemore
Brown University
"Treasurers of God’s Bounty": Money, Medicine, and Power in Boston, 1785-1865

Meredith Stukey
Purdue University
The Romanovs on a World Stage: Autocracy, Democracy, and Crisis, 1896-1918


Kathryn Angelica
University of Connecticut
"The Glorious Cause of Liberty": Women’s Anti-Slavery and Abolitionist Activism in New England

Heesoo Cho
Washington University at St. Louis
The Making of the Pacific Ocean in the Early Republic, 1780-1820

Ethan Goodnight
Harvard University
Tongues of Fire: Religious Enthusiasm, Racial Formation, and Anti-Blackness in the Atlantic World

Samuel Jennings
Oklahoma State University
‘The Most Perfect Foundation of Her Faith’: The Virgin Mary in Mid-Eighteenth Century North America

Joshua Kleuver
Binghamton University
Hiding in Plain Sight: Socialist Legislators at the State Level, 1899-1944

Helena Roth
Graduate Center, CUNY
American Timelines: Imperial Communications, Colonial Time-Consciousness, and the Coming of the American Revolution

Chelsea Spencer
The Contract, the Contractor, and the Capitalization of American Building, ca. 1865-1930

Duangkamol Tantirungkij
Graduate Center, CUNY
An Act of Congress: Freedom Suits and the Emancipatory Consequences of the Northwest Ordinance (1790-1850)

Emily Yankowitz
Yale University
Documenting Citizenship: How Early Americans Understood the Concept of Citizenship, 1776-1840


Danielle Alesi
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Consuming Empire: Eating and Engaging with Animals in the Americas, 1492-1650

Nicholas DiPucchio
Saint Louis University
American Expansions: Imperial Frustrations and the Evolution of Manifest Destiny, 1775-1845

Ashley Garcia
University of Texas, Austin
An American Socialism: The Fourierist Movement and Nineteenth Century American Culture

Yiyun Huang
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
The Chinese Origins of Medicinal Tea: Global Cultural Transfer in a Vast Early America

Leslie Leonard
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
The Burdens and Blessings of Responsibility: Responsibility, Duty, and Community in Nineteenth-Century America

Mia Levenson
Tufts University
Nineteenth-Century Physicians and the Performance of Popular Anatomy

Brian Maxson
East Tennessee State University
The Strange Tale of a Latin Speech, Renaissance Venice, and Nineteenth-Century New England

Cody Nager
City University of New York
From Different Quarters: Regulating Migration and Naturalization in the Early American Republic, 1783-1815

Alina Scott
University of Texas, Austin
A Reason to Petition and Pray: Religion, Citizenship, and Autonomy in Native Petitions, 1800-1850

Arleen Tuchman
Vanderbilt University
History of the Family Disease of Addiction


Yuri Amano
Johns Hopkins University
Bodies in Pain: The Medical Culture of Sympathy in the United States, 1830-1865

Elizabeth Herbin-Triant
University of Massachusetts Lowell
The Lords of the Lash and Loom: Abolitionists, Anti-Abolitionists, and the Business of Manufacturing Slave-Grown Cotton

Samantha Payne
Harvard University
The Last Atlantic Revolution: Race and Reconstruction in Cuba, Brazil, and the United States, 1865-1912

Patrick Browne
Boston University
The Ordeal of Homecoming: Northern Civilians and the Social Response to the Returning Union Veteran

J. Matthew Gallman
University of Florida
Loyal Dissenters, Angry Copperheads, and Violent Resisters: The Northern Democratic Party and the American Civil War

Michael D’Alessandro
Duke University
Staged Readings: Contesting Class in Popular American Literature and Theatre, 1830-1875

Todd Whelan
Graduate Theological Union
Calling the Unconverted: Jews, Indians, and Missionary Publishing in the Protestant Atlantic World, 1649-1830

Madeline Zehnder
University of Virginia
Pocket-Sized Nation: Cultures of Portability in America, 1790-1840

Lila Teeters
University of New Hampshire
Native Citizens: The Fight Over Native American Citizenship in the United States, 1866-1924


Nicholas Ames
University of Notre Dame
Communities of Difference in 19th Century Irish-America

Caroline Culp
Stanford University
The Memory of Copley: Afterlives of the American Portrait, 1774-1920

Timothy Fosbury
University of California, Los Angeles
Persistent Archives and the Early Americas, 1600-1830

Madeline Kearin
Brown University
Sensory Experiences of Daily Life at New England Hospitals for the Insane

Andrew Kettler
University of Toronto
Odor and Power in the Americas

Molly Laas
University Medical Center Göttingen
Moral Measurements: Wilbur Olin Atwater and the Making of the American Diet

Kirsten Macfarlane
Cambridge University
The Reception of European Biblical Scholarship in Early North America

Adam Mestyan
Duke University
American Travelers in the Middle East, 1830s-1930s

Molly Reed
Cornell University
Ecology of Utopia: Environmental Discourse and Practice in Antebellum Communal Settlements


Daniel Burge
University of Alabama
A Struggle Against Fate: The Opponents of Manifest Destiny and the Collapse of the Continental Dream, 1846-1871

Angela Hudson
Texas A&M University
The Rise and Fall of the Indian Doctress: Race, Labor, and Medicine in the 19th-century United States

Lindsay Keiter
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Uniting Interests: Love, Wealth, and the Law in American Marriage, 1750-1860

Kimberly Killion
University of California - Berkeley
From Farms to Kitchens to "the Body Laboratory": Nutritional Science and the Politics of Food in the United States

Sunmin Kim
University of California - Berkeley
A Laboratory for the American National Identity: The Re-Invention of Whiteness in the Dillingham Commission (1907-1911)

Aaron Moulton
University of Arkansas
Caribbean Blood Pact: Dictators, Exiles, and the CIA in the Caribbean Basin, 1944-1955

Heather Sanford
Brown University
Palatable Slavery

Jaclyn Schultz
University of California – Santa Cruz
Learning the Value of a Dollar: Children and Commerce in the U.S., 1830-1900

Christopher Pastore
University at Alban
American Beach: Law, Culture, and Ecology along the Ocean's Edge


Abigail Cooper
Brandeis University
"Lord, Until I Reach My Home”: Inside the Refugee Camps of the American Civil War

Stephen Engle
Florida Atlantic University
Champion in Our Hour of Need: The Life of John Albion Andrew

Jessica Farrell
University of Minnesota
(Re)Capturing Empire: A Reconsideration of Liberia’s Precarious Sovereignty and American Empire as Exception in the 19th Century

Andrea Gray
Papers of Thomas Jefferson and George Mason University
“Leaving their callings”: Retirement in the Early Republic

Ross Nedervelt
Florida International University
The Border-seas of a New British Empire: The British Atlantic Islands in the Age of the American Revolution

Luke Nichter
Texas A&M University – Central Texas
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., and the Decline of the Eastern Establishment

Franklin Sammons
University of California, Berkeley
The Long Life of Yazoo: Land Speculation, Finance, and Dispossession in the Southeastern Borderlands, 1789-1840

Michael Verney
University of New Hampshire
“Our Field of Fame”: Naval Exploration and Empire in the Early American Republic, 1815-1860

Stephen West
Catholic University of America
A Constitutional Lost Cause: The Fifteenth Amendment in American Memory and Political Culture, 1870-1920


Rebecca Brannon
James Madison University
Did the Founding Fathers Live Too Long?

Christina Carrick
Boston University
Among Strangers in a Distant Climate: Loyalist Exiles Define Empire and Nation, 1775-1815

Travis Jaquess
University of Mississippi
Founding Daddies: Republican Fatherhood and the American Revolution and Early Republic, 1763-1814

Benjamin Kochan
Boston University
Looking East and Thinking Below the Surface: Ecology and Geopolitics in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries, 1945-2006

Gregory Michna
West Virginia University
Facing Outward and Inward: Native American Missionary Communities in New England, 1630-1763

Scott Shubitz
Florida State University
Emancipating the American Spirit: Reconstruction and Renaissance in New England, 1863-1877

Sueanna Smith
University of South Carolina
African Americans and the Cultural Work of Freemasonry: From Revolution through Reconstruction

Jordan Taylor
Indiana University-Bloomington
English Channels: Globalization and Revolution in the Anglophone Atlantic, 1789-1804

Peter Walker
Columbia University
The Church Militant: The American Émigré Clergy and the Making of the British Counterrevolution, 1763-92


Laurie Dickmeyer
University of California Irvine
Americans in Chinese Treaty Ports: The Interplay of Trade and Diplomacy in the Nineteenth-Century China and United States

Mark Dragoni
Syracuse University
Operating Outside of Empire: Trade and Citizenship in the Atlantic World, 1756-1812

Jeffrey Egan
University of Connecticut
Watershed Decisions: The Social and Environmental History of the Quabbin Reservoir, 1860-1941

David Faflik
University of Rhode Island
Passing Transcendental: Harvard, Heresy, and the Modern American Origins of Unbelief

Alex Jablonski
SUNY Binghamton
Subjects into Citizens: The Imperial Origins of American Citizenship

Nathan Jeremie-Brink
Loyola University Chicago
Gratuitous Distribution: Distributing African-American Antislavery Texts, 1773-1845

Jordan Smith
Georgetown University
The Invention of Rum

Robin Smith
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
The Labor of Poetry and the Poetry of Labor: Industrialization and the Place of Poetry in Antebellum America

Meghan Wadle
Southern Methodist University
Stray Threads: Industrial Women's Writings and American Literature, 1826-1920


Matthew Amato
University of Southern California
Exposing Humanity: Slavery, Freedom, and Photography in America, 1840s to 1870s

Richard Bell
University of Maryland
Slavery's Black Market: A Micro-history

Catherine Cangany
University of Notre Dame
An Empire of Fakes: Counterfeit Goods in Eighteenth-Century America

Christopher Florio
Princeton University
The Poor Always with You: Impoverishment in the United States, 1835-1868

Katherine Johnston
Columbia University
The Experience of Hot Climates: Health, Race, and the Body in the British Atlantic World

Nicholas Pellegrino
University of Nevada
When in Rome: Early American Catholicism and the Separation of Church and State, 1763-1840

Bryan Rosenblithe
Columbia University
Peripheral Interests: The Ceded Territories, the British Atlantic and the Origins of the American Revolution, 1758-1766

David Singerman
An Empire of Purity: Making the Modern Sugar Market

Maria Zumaglini
Florida International University
The Home, the School, and Everyday Forms of State Education: A Comparative Study of the Public School in Boston, Buenos Aires, and Montevideo


Frances Clarke
University of Sydney
Home Fires Burning: Keeping Warm in the Industrializing North

Eberhard Faber
Princeton University
"Everybody Talks of Visiting That Country": New England Reactions to the Louisiana Purchase, Territorial Rule, and Louisiana Statehood, 1803-1812

Michael Hevel
University of Iowa
"Betwixt Brewings": A History of College Students and Alcohol

Ann K. Johnson
University of Southern California
Cabinets of Miscellany and Meaning: Managing Information in Antebellum America

Greta LaFleur
University of Hawai'I at Manoa
American Insides: Popular Narrative and the Historiography of Sexuality, 1675-1815

Jen Manion
Connecticut College
Crossing Gender; Female Masculinity in the 18th and 19th Centuries

Brooke Newman
Virginia Commonwealth University
Island Masters: Gender, Race, and Power in the Eighteenth-Century British Caribbean

Benjamin Park
University of Cambridge
Localized Nationalisms in Post-Revolutionary America

Brad Snyder
University of Wisconsin
The House of Truth: The Men Who Created Modern Progressivism


Sean Adams
University of Florida
Home Fires Burning: Keeping Warm in the Industrializing North

Jane Fiegen Green
Washington University, St. Louis
The Boundary of Youth: Employment, Adulthood, and Citizenship in the Early United States

Kerima Lewis
University of California, Berkeley
Atlantic Fires Burning: Arson as a Weapon of Slave Resistance in the British American Colonies, 1675-1775

Andrew Lipman
Syracuse University
The Saltwater Frontier: Indians, Dutch, and English on Seventeenth-Century Long Island Sound

Bonnie Lucero
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Race, Space, and Nation: Social Change amidst Imperial Transition in Cienfuegos, Cuba, 1895-1906

Patricia Roylance
Syracuse University
Anachronisms: The Temporalities of Early American Media

Nancy Siegel
Towson University
Political Appetites: Revolution, Taste, and Culinary Activism in the Early Republic

Jared Taber
University of Kansas
Last Dams Standing: Environmental Perspectives on Deindustrialization in Twentieth-Century Massachusetts

Ben Wright
Rice University
Early American Clergy and the Transformation of Antislavery: From the Politics of Conversion to the Conversion of Politics, 1770-1830


Anthony Antonucci
University of Connecticut
"When in Rome": American Relations with the Italian States from Thomas Jefferson to Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1790-1860

Matthew Bahar
University of Oklahoma
The People of the Dawnland and Their Atlantic World

Irene Cheng
Columbia University
Forms of Function: Self Culture, Geometry, and Octagon Architecture in Antebellum America

Rachel Herrmann
University of Texas at Austin
Food and War: Indians, Slaves, and the American Revolution

Sarah Keyes
University of Southern California
Circling Back: Migration to the Pacific and the Reconfiguration of America, 1820-1900

Susan Pearson
Northwestern University
Registering Birth: Population and Personhood in American History

Nathan Perl-Rosenthal
Columbia University
Corresponding Republics: Private Letters and Patriot Societies in the American, Dutch and French Revolutions, ca. 1765-1792

Marc Selverstone
University of Virginia
Henry Cabot Lodge and the Withdrawal of American Troops from Vietnam

David Silverman
The George Washington University
Thundersticks: Firearms and the Transformation of Native America


Carol Bundy
Independent Scholar
McClellan's Visit to Boston, January 28-February 8, 1863

Jan Cigliano
Independent Scholar
John Hay: Genius of Diplomacy

Lindsay DiCuirci
Ohio State University
History's Imprint: The colonial Book and the Writing of American History in the Nineteenth Century

Jim Downs
Connecticut College
Sick From Freedom: The Unexpected Consequences of the American Civil War

Caroline Frank
Brown University
Native American Enslavement in Southern New England, 1630-1730

Elizabeth Gray
Towson University
Worlds of Pain: Opium and Early America

Matthew Hudock
University of Delaware
African American Colonization and Identity

Whitney Martinko
University of Virginia
Progress Through Preservation: History on the American Landscape in an Age of Improvement, 1790-1860

Rachel Shelden
University of Virginia
Washington Brotherhood: Friendship and Politics in the Civil War Era

Recipients Prior to 2009-2010

Benjamin F. Stevens Fellowship


Michael Larmann
University of Montana
Monuments and Moderation: Daniel Webster and the Commemoration of Compromise in the Age of Disunion, 1853-1865


Joanne Jahnke Wegner
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Stolen Lives: Captivity and Gender in the Northeast, 1630-1763


Benjamin Remillard
University of New Hampshire
"In Reduced Circumstances" Yet Civically Engaged: The Activism of Southern New England's Revolutionary War Veterans of Color


David J. Gerleman
George Mason University
History on the Hoof: New England’s Horse and Cattle Industry During the American Civil War


Dexter Gabriel
University of Connecticut
A West Indian Jubilee in America: Mapping August First in New England


Gretchen Murphy
University of Texas - Austin
Disestablishing Virtue: Federalism, Religion, and New England Women Writers


Abram Van Engen
Washington University in Saint Louis
American Model: The Life of John Winthrop’s City on a Hill


Sarah Templier
Johns Hopkins University
Between Merchants, Shopkeepers, Tailors, and Thieves: Circulating and Consuming Clothes, Textiles, and Fashion in French and British North America, 1730-1774


Serena Zabin
Carleton College
Occupying Boston: An Intimate History of the Boston Massacre


Katie Booth
University of Pittsburgh
The Performance of Miracles: Alexander Graham Bell's Mission to Save the Deaf


Sarah Sutton
Brandeis University
Industrializing the Family Farm: Dairy Farming, Milk Consumption, and the New England Landscape


Randi Lewis
University of Virginia
To "the most distant parts of the Globe": Trade, Politics, and the Maritime Frontier in the Early Republic, 1763-1819


Lori Veilleux
Brown University
Religion, Science, and Boston's 1832 Cholera Epidemic


Michael Block
University of Southern California
New England Merchants, the China Trade, and the Origins of California


R. Todd Romero
University of Houston
Colonizing Childhood: Native American Children in Early New England


Kanisorn Wongsrichanalai
University of Virginia
New England's Elite: Young Northerners in the Civil War Era


Deborah Walling
Auburn University
The Spiritual Trance: James Freeman Clarke's Ministry and Mesmerism


Margaret Sumner
Rutgers University
Reason, Revelation, and Romance: The Social and Intellectual Construction of Early American College Communities, 1782-1860


Nian-Sheng Huang
California State University Channel Islands
The Poor in Massachusetts, 1630-1830


William van Arragon
Indiana University - Bloomington
Cotton Mather in American Cultural Memory, 1728-1892


Jennifer Anderson
New York University
Currencies of Environmental Knowledge: The Atlantic Mahogany Trade, c. 1700-1800


Melissane Parm
Boston University
A Freedom to Suit Themselves: Negotiating Indian Identity on Cape Cod, 1757-1834


Paul A. Van Dyke
University of Southern California
Port Canton, 1690-1840: Explorations of American Enterprise in an Expanding World


Roger Francis Thompson
University of East Anglia
East Anglian Towns in Early New England


Daniel A. Cohen
Florida International University
Rebecca Reed and the Burning of the Charlestown Convent: Gender, Class, and Sectarian Conflict in 19th-Century America

C. Conrad & Elizabeth H. Wright Fellowship


Barry Huff
Principia College
Slavery, Suffrage, and Science: Mary Baker Eddy and Nineteenth-Century New England Sermons


Christopher Gillett
University of Scranton
Catholicism and Revolution in the British World, 1630-1673


Makiki Reuvers
University of Pennsylvania
Bodies of Empire: The Political, Religious, and Corporeal Makings of Subjecthood in Seventeenth-Century New England


Kristen Beales
The College of William & Mary
Thy Will Be Done: Merchants and Religion in Early America, 1720-1815


Jennifer Rose
Claremont Graduate University
The World Becomes Round: Early Encounters between Bombay Parsis & Yankee Merchants, 1771-1861

Boston Marine Society Fellowship


Jane T. Merritt
Old Dominion University
The Trouble With Tea: Consumption, Politics, and the Making of a Global Colonial Economy


Kevin McDonald
University of California.
Praying Pirates, Mettlesome Merchants and Malagasy Matriarchs: The Making and Breaking of an Indo-Atlantic Trade World, 1645-1730


Stephen Berry
Duke University
Those Who Go Down to the Sea in Ships


Matthew McKenzie
University of New Hampshire
Navigating Federalism: Science, Public Policy and the Boston Marine Society in Early Republican Boston, 1790-1803

Cushing Academy Fellowship


Sean Munger
University of Oregon
Ten Years of Winter: The Cold Decade and Environmental Consciousness in the Early 19th Century


Mary Fuhrer
Independent Scholar
Recovering the Illness Narratives of Consumptives in the Boston Almshouse, 1800-1850


Jennifer Staver
University of California Irvine
Energy, Work, and Power along the Pacific Coast of North America, 1768 to 1820

Kenneth and Carol Hills Fellowship in Colonial History


Eva Landsberg
Yale University
The Politics of Sugar in the 18th-Century British Atlantic

Rachel Trocchio
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Thinking the Instant: A New Reading of the Great Awakening


Randal Grant Kleiser
Columbia University
Exchanging Empires: Free Ports, Reform, and Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1750-1784

Anne Powell
College of William & Mary
The Antinomian Controversy: Theological Disorder Amidst Colonial Crisis in New England


Holly Gruntner
College of William & Mary
"Some People of Skil and Curiosity": Knowledge and Early American Kitchen Gardens, 1650-1830

Kaila Schwartz
College of William & Mary
Naming New Englanders: Family, Legacy, and Identity, 1620-1850

Library Fund Fellowship


Orlando Felix Garcia Martinez
Director Archivo Histórico Provincial de Cienfuegos
Cienfuegos, Cuba, 1879-1920

Louis Leonard Tucker Alumni Fellows


Tian Xu
Historic New England
Representing Minorities in the Civil War Era: Lawyers in Black and Chinese Legal Mobilization

Jeanette Zaragoza
University of Puerto Rico
Interpreting a Transatlantic Saga: How Interpreters and Translators Wove The Amistad


Alexandra Macdonald
College of William & Mary
The Social Life of Time in the Anglo-Atlantic World, 1660-1830

Heather Walser
Penn State
Amnesty’s Origins: Federal Power, Peace, and the Public Good in the Long Civil War Era


Arlene Diaz
Indiana University
A War Beyond the Battlefield: Information, Espionage, and News in the Spanish-Cuban-American War, 1878–1898

Cassandra Jane Werking
University of Kentucky
Is My North Star Also Your North Star? How the Borderlands Between Canada and the United States Shaped the American Civil War


Nicole Breault
University of Connecticut
The Night Watch of Early Boston, 1662-1776

Matthew Fernandez
Columbia University
Images Abroad: Henry Adams and the Picturing of Modernism

Xiangyun Xu
Pennsylvania State University
The American Debate over the China Relief Expedition of 1900


Alexandra Montgomery
University of Pennsylvania
Projecting Power in the Dawnland: Colonization Schemes, Imperial Failure and Competing Visions of the Gulf of Maine World, 1710-1800

Ittai Orr
Yale University
Intellectual Power: Print Culture and Intelligence in the United States, 1781-1908

Michael Williams
Carnegie Mellon University
Impolite Science: Print and Performance in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic


Catherine Kelly
University of Oklahoma
Making Peace: Loyalists in the Early U.S. Republic

David Montejano
University of California, BerkeleY
From Southern Plantation to Northern Mill: Traveling along the Cotton Trail during the American Civil War


Daina Ramey Berry
University of Texas at Austin
Ghost Values of the Domestic Cadaver Slave Trade

Amy Hughes
Brooklyn College – CUNY
An Actor's Tale: Theater, Culture, and Everyday Life in Nineteenth-Century America

Margaret Newell
Ohio State University
Miles to Freedom: William and Ellen Craft and the Struggle for Black Rights in Nineteenth-Century America and England


Mary Draper
University of Virginia
The Urban World of the Early Modern British Caribbean

Jonathan Koefoed
Indiana University - Purdue University Columbus
Cautious Romantics: Trinitarian Transcendentalists and the Emergence of a Conservative Religious Tradition in America


Kariann Yokota
University of Colorado
Pacific Overtures: Transnational Encounters in the Pacific World, 1776-1853


Lauri Coleman
College of William and Mary
Interpretations of New England Weather in the Revolutionary Era


Megan Prins
University of Arizona
Winters in America, 1880-1930

Malcolm and Mildred Freiberg Fellowship


Alison Russell
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
"On That Shield": American Identity and the Constitution in the Early Republic

Jimmy Bryan
Lamar University
The Empire of Grim: Gothic Subversions of US Expansion

John Bidwell
Morgan Library & Museum
The Declaration of Independence: Prints, Broadsides, and Facsimiles

Lance Boos
Stony Brook University
Print and Performance: The Development of a British Atlantic Musical Marketplace in the Eighteenth Century

Diego Pirillo
University of California, Berkeley
Renaissance Books in Early America: John Winthrop Jr. and Italian Occultism

Derek O’Leary
University of California - Berkeley
Building the American Archives

Nora Slominsky
Graduate Center, CUNY
“The Engine of Free Expression”[?]: The Political Development of Copyright in the Colonial British Atlantic and Early National United States

Karen Weyler
University of North Carolina – Greensboro
Urban Printscapes: One Hundred Years of Print in the City

Kristina Garvin
Ohio State University
Past and Future States: The Cultural Work of the Serial in U.S. Literature, 1786-1814"

Denise Gigante
Stanford University
The Book Madness: A Story of Book Collectors in America"

Katherine Grandjean
Wellesley College
"'Terror ubique tremor': Communicating Terror in Early New England, 1677-1713"

Amy Morsman
Middlebury College
"Reading, Writing, Race & Respectability: "Yankee Schoolmarms," Race Reform, and Northern Views on Reconstruction"

Mary Kelley
University of Michigan
"American Reading and Writing Practices, 1760-1860"

Alea Henle
Ph.D candidate, Department of History, University of Connecticut
"Preserving the Past, Making History: Historical Societies, Editors, and Collectors in the Early Republic"

Marc Friedlaender Fellowship


Jessica Leeper
University of Oxford
The Adams and Johnson Women at Court in Early American European Diplomacy, c.1780-1820

Daniel Gullotta
Stanford University
‘The Lord Preserve Us from Socinian Presidencies’: Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, and the Transformation of American Religious Electoral Politics

Stephen Carter
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Adamsian Afterlives: Thinking American Pasts in a Post-American World

Miriam Liebman
City University of New York
A Tale of Two Cities: American Women in Paris and London, 1780-1800

Nicole Williams
Yale University
The Shade of Private Life: The Right to Privacy and the Press in American Art, 1875-1900

Nina Sankovitch
Independent Scholar
The Rebels of Braintree: Exploring Collaboration, Conflict, and Conciliation Between Colonial Families Prior to the American Revolution

Julia Rose Kraut
New York UniversitY
A Fear of Foreigners and of Freedom: Ideological Exclusion and Deportation in America

Mary Hale
University of Illinois – Chicago
Fictions of Mugwumpery: The Problem of Representation in the Gilded Age

Kristen Burton
University of Texas Austin
"John Barleycorn vs. Sir Richard Rum: Alcohol, the Atlantic, and the Distilling of Colonial Identity, 1650-1800"

Lindsay Schakenbach
Brown University
"Manufacturing Advantage: The Federal Government, Diplomacy and the Origins of American Industrialization, 1790-1840"

Rick Kennedy
Point Loma Nazarene University
"Cotton Mather Biblia Americana Volume 8"

Jonathan Beecher Field
Clemson University
"Antinomian Idol: Anne Hutchinson & American Historiography"

Marc-William Palen
University of Texas at Austin
"The Cleveland 'Conspiracy': Mugwumpery, Free Trade Ideology, and Foreign Policy in Gilded-Age America"

Matthew Hale
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Goucher College
"The French Revolution and American National Identity"

Margery Heffron
"Researching the Papers of Louisa Catherine Adams at the MHS"

Kenneth P. Minkema
Executive Director, Jonathan Edwards Center, Yale University
“Biblia Americana”

Virginia Gilmartin
Ph.D. Candidate, Rutgers University
"Henry Adams: Imagining Women."

Linus B. Kafka
Department of History, University of California, Los Angeles
"The World and Henry Adams: Cosmopolitan Intellectuals and the Making of Modern America."

Bradford J. Wood
Professor, Department of History, Eastern Kentucky University
"The James Murray Letters and Colonial North Carolina"

William C. diGiacomantonio
Associate Editor, First Federal Congress Project
"Thatcher Letters"

Margaret A. Lowe
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Bridgewater State College
An edition of the diary of Marion Lawrence Peabody

Richard A. Samuelson
Ph.D. Candidate, University of Virginia
Brooks Adams's Biography of John Quincy Adams

Elizabeth Miles Nuxoll
Robert Morris Papers
"The Personal and Family Papers of Robert Morris."

Mary B. Wright Environmental History Fellowship


Joshua Bartlett
Bilkent University
Arboreal Poetics: The Language, Materiality, and Politics of Trees in American Poetry


Cameron Boutin
University of Kentucky
War and the Elements: Civil War Soldiers’ Experiences with the Weather


Zachary Bennett
Connecticut College
Contested Currents: Rivers and the Remaking of New England”

Massachusetts Historical Society Research Fellows

Francis Russo
University of Pennsylvania
Utopian Dreams at the End of Early America: 1663-1860

Russell Weber
University of California, Berkeley
American Feeling: Political Passions and Emotional Identity in the Early Republic, 1754-1797

Judith Harford
University College Dublin
The Power of Social and Professional Networks to Promote Agency and Negotiate Access: the role of the Women's Educational Association, Boston, in Advancing the Cause of Women's Admission to Harvard

The Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati Fellowship


Serena Zabin
Carleton College
Boston's Black Refugees

Sarah Beth Gable
Brandeis University
Policing the Revolution: Massachusetts Communities and the Committees of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety, 1773-1783

Darcy Stevens
University of Maine
Conceptions of Neutrality During the American Revolution in the Northeast Borderlands

Catherine Treesh
Yale University
Creating a Continental Community: Committees of Correspondence and the American Revolution

Roberto Flores de Apodaca
University of South Carolina
“Alas my Backsliding Hart!”: Religious Worldview and Culture of New England Continentals 1775-1783

John McCurdy
Eastern Michigan University
Quarters: Billets, Barracks, and Place in Revolutionary America

Craig Smith
William Woods University
Redemption: The American Revolution, Ethics, and Abolitionism in Britain and the United States

Katlyn Carter
Princeton University
Practicing Representative Politics in the Revolutionary Atlantic World: Secrecy, Accountability, and the Making of Modern Democracy

Daniel Soucier
University of Maine
"Navigating Wilderness and Borderland: The Invasion of Canada, 1775-1776"

Zara Anishanslin
College of Staten Island/CUNY
"Rebelling Subjects, Revealing Objects: The Material and Visual Culture of Making and Remembering the American Revolution"

Holger Hoock
University of Pittsburgh
"Scars of Independence: Practices and Representations of Violence in the American Revolutionary War"

Trenton Jones
Johns Hopkins University
"Deprived of Their Liberty": Prisoners of War and American Military Culture

David Preston
The Citadel
"Braddock's Veterans: Paths of Loyalty in the British Empire, 1755-1775"

Jeffrey Kosiorek
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History, Hendrix College
"The Power of Our Patriot Fathers: Memory, Commemoration, and the American Revolution in the 19th Century"

Jeffrey Malanson
Boston College
"Addressing America: Washington's Farewell and the Making of National Culture, Politics and Diplomacy, 1796-1850"

Peter C. Messer
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Mississippi State University
“Revolution By Committee: Law, Language and Ritual in Revolutionary America”

Professor Daniel J. Hulsebosch
New York University-School of Law
"Writs to Rights: The Transformation of the Anglo-American Common Law in the Age of Revolution."

John Anthony Ruddiman
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Yale University
"'Becoming men of some consequence' Young Men of the Continental Army in Revolutionary War and Peace."

Stephen C. Bullock
Professor, Department of Humanities and Arts, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
"The Politics of Politeness: Culture, Class, and Power in Provincial America, 1690-1776."

Keith Beutler
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Washington University in St. Louis
"The Death of the Parents: Loss of the United States' Founding Generation and Historicized Epistemologies of Memory, 1790-1840"

Christopher A. Sleeper
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of California, Riverside
"Boston's Beachcombers: The Economic, Social and Legal Milieus of Boston's Maritime Community, 1740-1810"

Benjamin Carp
Ph.D. candidate, Department of History, University of Virginia
"Cityscapes and Revolution: Urban Spaces and Revolutionary Mobilization in North America, 1740-1790"

Karen O'Brien
Ph. D. candidate, Northwestern University
"Making the Personal Political: Religion, Obligation, and Identity in the American Revolution";

George Quintal, Jr.
Independent Scholar
"Participants in the Boston Tea Party."

Walter L. Sargent
Ph.D. candidate, Department of History, University of Minnesota
"The Soldiers of Plymouth, 1775-1783: Citizen Soldiers or Sunshine Patriots?"

Max Cavitch
Ph.D. candidate, Department of English, Rutgers University
"Revolutionary Mourners: The Poetic Response to George Washington's Death."

Military Historical Society of Massachusetts Fellowship


Christopher Walton
Southern Methodist University
At Home in War: Religion in the Connecticut River Valley during the American Revolution

James Broomall
Shepherd University
“Battle Pieces: The Imagery and Artifacts of the Civil War”

Dwain Coleman
University of Iowa
Black Civil War Veterans and the Fight for Community in the Midwest

Thomas Rider
University of Wisconsin – Madison
War by Detachment: the Continental Army and Petite Guerre

Paine Publication Fund Fellowship

Edward Hanson
The Papers of Robert Treat Paine

Paul Revere Memorial Association Fellowship

Donald Burke
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Wayne State University
"James Otis and the Political Culture of Whig Constitutionalism"

Daniel McDonough
Associate Professor of History, University of Tennessee at Martin
"Boston Under British Occupation, 1774-1776"

Gayle E. Sawtelle
Visiting Research Collaborator, Department of History, Princeton University
"The commercial landscape of pre-industrial Boston"

Louis Arthur Norton
Master's candidate, History Department, University of Connecticut
"Paul Revere and the Penobscot Expedition, 1779"

Robert Martello
Ph.D. candidate, Science, Technology, and Society Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Paul Revere's Copper Rolling Mills"

Rob Martello
Ph.D. candidate, Science, Technology, and Society Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Paul Revere's Copper Rolling Mills"

Wayne Bodle
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Iowa
"Alchemy in Reverse?: New England's 'Copper' and the Transformation of the American Mineralogical Imagination."

Ruth R. & Alyson R. Miller Fellowship


Stephanie Gorton
Independent Scholar
The Icon and the Idealist: The Two Radical Women Who Brought Choice to America

Jennifer Reiss
University of Pennsylvania
Undone Bodies: Women and Disability in Early America


Megan Armknecht
Princeton University
Diplomatic Households and the Foundations of U.S. Diplomacy, 1789-1870

Sarah Pearlman Shapiro
Brown University
Women’s Communities of Care in Revolutionary New England


Mallory Huard
Pennsylvania State University
America's Private Empire: Gender and Commercial Imperialism in Nineteenth Century Hawai'i

Jessica Vander Heide
Lehigh University
Schooling Intimacy: Lessons in Love, Romance, and Sexuality at American Female Academies, 1780-1870


Abena Boakyewa-Ansah
Vanderbilt University
The Currency of Freedom: Black Women and the Making of Freedom During the American Civil War

Erica Schumann
Binghamton University
A Republic of Numbers: Enumeration and Ideology in the Early American Household


Shealeen Meaney
Russell Sage College
Boston meets Brahmin: Massachusetts Women in Gandhi’s India

Christopher Stampone
Southern Methodist University
“[A]s if she were born to empire”: Isabella, the Bildungsroman, and the Establishment of a New American Society Identity in Catharine Maria Sedgwick’s The Linwoods


Kabria Baumgartner
University of New Hampshire
A Right to Learn: African American Women and Educational Activism in Early America

Caylin Carbonell
The College of William and Mary
Women and Household Authority in Colonial New England


Evan Haefeli
Texas A&M University
The Delaware as Women and the Iroquois Great Peace of 1670

Cathryn Halverson
University of Copenhagen
Faraway Women and The Atlantic Monthly


Alisa Wade Harrison
CUNY Graduate Center
An Alliance of Ladies: Power, Public Affairs, and Gendered Constructions of the Upper Class in Early National New York City

Julia James
Syracuse University
Women in the Woods: War, Gender, and Community in the Native Northeast


Kate Culkin
Bronx Community College
"'For the Love of Your Sister': Ellen Tucker Emerson, Edith Emerson Forbes, and the Emerson Legacy"

Rachel Walker
University of Maryland
"A Beautiful Mind: Physiognomy and Female Intellect, 1750-1850"


Marisa Benoit
University of Oxford
"Comparing Attitudes toward Infertility in Early Modern England and Colonial New England"

Marie Stango
University of Michigan
"Antislavery and Colonization: African American Women in Nineteenth Century West Africa"


Bonnie Lucero
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
"Privates, Prostitutes, and Pardos: Women and Racial Conflict in Cienfuegos, Cuba, circa 1898"

Lindsay Moore
Boston University
"Women, Power, and Litigation in the English Atlantic World, 1630-1700"


Kathryn Goetz
University of Minnesota
"A Consuming Femininity: Gender, Culture and the Material Worlds of Young Womanhood, 1750-1850"

Jessica Linker
University of Connecticut
"'It is my wish to behold Ladies among my hearers': Early American Women and Practices of Natural History, 1720-1860"


Nora Doyle
University of North Carolina
"'A Higher Place in the Scale of Being': Experience and Representation of the Maternal Body in America, 1750-1865"

Laura Prieto
Simmons College
"New Woman: New Empire: 1898 and Its Legacies for Women in the United States"


Sara Lampert
Ph.D candidate, Department of History, University of Michigan
"The Public Woman: Taking to the Stage in 19th Century America"

Deborah McNally
Ph.D candidate, Department of History, University of Washington
"Within Patriarchy: Puritan Women in Massachusetts's Congregational Churches, 1630-1715"


Rachel Cope
Syracuse University
"'In Some Places a Few Drops and Other Places a Plentiful Shower': The Religious Impact of Revivalism on Women in the 19th Century"

Serena Zabin
Carleton College
"Street Politics and the Boston Massacre"


Dana Magill Cooper
Assistant Professor of History, Stephen F. Austin State University
“Our American Cousin: Mary Endicott Chamberlain”

Ann Schofield
Professor of American Studies and Women’s Studies, University of Kansas
“Women in Black: A Comparative Study of Class, Gender and Mourning in Britain and the United States”


Bonnie Laughlin Schultz
Ph.D. Candidate, Indiana University
"'COULD I NOT DO SOMETHING FOR THE CAUSE?': The Brown Women and John Brown's Female Networks"

Helene Quanquin
Universite Sorbonne
"Men and American Feminism, 1830-1890"


Natalie A. Dykstra
Assistant Professor of English, Hope College
"Still Life: The Photographs of Marian 'Clover' Adams"

Mary Trautman
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English, Case Western Reserve University
"She's All at Sea: Space, Place, and Women's Writing on Water"


Judith Ann Giesberg
Professor, Department of History, Villanova University
"Northern Women's Work and Poverty in the U.S. Civil War."

April Rose Haynes
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of California, Santa Barbara
"Bodies of Knowledge: Women's Activism and Ideas in the Popular Health Movement, 1830-1860."

Marla R. Miller
Professor, Department of History, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
"The Last Mantua Maker: Gender, Commerce and Change in Boston, 1789-1840."


Linzy A. Brekke
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Harvard University
"Fashioning America: Consumption, Clothing and the Politics of Appearance, 1783-1836"

Laurie Hochstetler
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of Virginia
"Places of Faith: Parish Structure and Women's Lives in Seventeenth-Century Old and New England"

Rebecca Rix
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History; Legal History Fellow, Yale Law School, Yale University
"Gender and Reconsitution: The Family and Individual Basis of Democracy Contested, 1880-1933"


Lee Chambers-Schiller
Associate Professor of History, University of Colorado at Boulder
"'Rocking the Nation Like a Cradle:' Maria Weston Chapman and the Construction of Political Womanhood"

Kate Davies
Permanent Lecturer, Eighteenth Century Literature and Culture, University of York
"Republican Sensibilities: Women, Writing and Atlantic Political Culture 1760-1810"

Judith S. Graham
Lecturer, Department of History, Boston College
"World War I Letters of Eleanor (Nora) Saltonstall"


Ellen A.Foster
Ph.D. candidate, Department of Literature, Duquesne University
"C.M. Sedgwick's Representations of American Nationhood"

Karen Leroux
Ph.D. candidate, Department of History, Northwestern University
"Servants of Democracy: Women's Work in U.S. Public Education, 1866-1902"

Teresa Anne Murphy
Associate Professor, American Studies Department, The George Washington University
"Angels of History: Women and Historical Imagination in the Early Republic"


Natalie A. Dykstra
Assistant Professor of English, Hope College
The Life and Photography of Marion 'Clover' (Hooper) Adams

Monica D. Fitzgerald
Ph.D. candidate, History Department, University of California, Davis
"Saints and Sinners: Defining Gender in a Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts Town and Church"

Erin Elizabeth McMurray
Ph.D. candidate, American History, New York University
Early 20th-century history of the Girl Scouts and Camp Fire Girls


Jenifer B. Elmore
Ph.D. candidate, Department of English, Florida State University
The Personal Writings of Catharine Sedgwick.


Kirsten Sword
Ph.D. candidate, Program in the History of American Civilization, Harvard University
"Wayward Wives, Runaway Slaves and the Limits of Patriarchal Authority in Early America."

Society of Colonial Wars Fellowship


Aabid Allibhai
Harvard University
Belinda Sutton’s World: Slavery, Legal Activism, and Abolition in Revolutionary New England

Daniel Bottino
Rutgers University
Poised on the Edge of Literacy: Personal Wax Seals of Early Colonial New England

Theodore R. Delwiche
Yale University
The Contested Classics:Education in Early North America, 1630-1830

Can Mert Kökerer
University of Chicago
The Participatory Foundations of Democracy in New England: Institutional Innovation, Political Legitimation, and Popular Domination during the Colonial Era


Christian Cuthbert
independent scholar
Preaching and Practice in Inter-colonial Warfare, 1744-48

Camden Elliott
Harvard University
Environmental Histories of the French and Indian Wars, 1688-1764

Hannah Schmidt
University of Maine
Identities Held Captive: Geography and Forced Migration in the Captivity Narratives of the Colonial Northeast

Society of Colonial Wars of Massachusetts Fellowship

Christian A. Crouch
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, New York University
"Imperfect Reflections: French use of Indian Warfare and the Six Nation's use of European Patronage During The Seven Years' War, 1754-1761"

John E. Grenier
Assistant Professor of History, United States Air Force Academy
"The Mi'kmaq Insurgency of the Seven Years' War"

Christopher Bilodeau
Ph.D. candidate, Department of History, Cornell University
"The Making of Maine: Sébastien Râle, the Eastern Abenakis, and the Expansion of Colonial New England"

Denver A. Brunsman
Ph.D. candidate, Department of History, Princeton University
"From Riots to Rights: Opposition to British Naval Impressment in Transatlantic Perspective, 1689-1815"

Kirk Davis Swinehart
Ph.D. candidate, Department of American Studies, Yale University
"Indians in the House: Sir William Johnson among the Mohawks, 1738-1824."

Jenny Hale Pulsipher
Ph.D. candidate, Department of History, Brandeis University.
"Crisis of Authority: Massachusetts Bay Colony in King Phillip's War"

Twentieth Century History Fellowship

Brian Gratton
Arizona State University
"Henry Cabot Lodge and the Politics of Immigration Restriction"

Derek Attig
Ph.D candidate, Department of History, University of Illinois
"Race, Region, and the Idea of America in 20th Century Bookmobility"

Bernadette Beredo
University of Hawaii
"From Colonial Bureau to Commonwealth Institution: Cultures of Government Archives in the Phillipines, 1898-1935"

Kenneth Weisbrode
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Harvard University
“The State Department’s Bureau of European Affairs and American Diplomacy, 1909-1989”

Brian K. Kennedy
Ph.D. Candidate, The Ohio State University
"A Divisive Decade: How Foreign Events and Cultural Conflicts Divided Americans During the 1930s"

W. B. H. Dowse Fellowship


Weiao Xing
University of Cambridge
Puritan Narratives of Encounters in Early Eighteenth-Century New England


Jennifer Factor
Brandeis University
Poetry Performance in Colonial New England

Donovan Fifield
University of Virginia
Credit and Imperial Crises in the American Northeast, 1698-1775


Joseph Hall
Bates College
Making Home: Wabanaki and English Claims to Place, 1600-1800

Kristin Olbertson
Alma College
Credible Women: Gender & Testimony in Eighteenth-Century New England Courts


Nicholas Garcia
University of California, Davis
The New England Company and the Rise of English Colonialism

James Farwig
Ohio State University
"Any Indyan which they shall attain to": Slavery and Early Intercultural Contact in North America and the Caribbean


Taylor Kirsch
University of California, Santa Cruz
Indigenous Land Ownership in the Praying Towns of the New England Borderlands: Indigenous Lives Lands and Legacies of Seventeenth Century Massachusetts

Ian Saxine
Alfred University
The End of War: Indians, Empires, and Identity in the American Northeast, 1713-1727


David Ciepley
University of Denver
The Tug-of-War between Trust and Corporation as Models for Colonial New England Government

George O’Brien
University of South Carolina
"What an expecting and troublesome being a New England Refugee is": The Struggles of Early New England Emigrants in Nova Scotia, 1755-1783


Nathan Fell
University of Houston
The Nature of Colonization: Native Americans, Colonists, and the Environment in New England, 1400-1750

Michael Hattem
Yale University
The Past is Prologue: The Origins of American History Culture, 1730-1800


Katie Moore
Boston University
"a just and honest valuation": Money and Value in Colonial America, 1690-1750

Joanne Jahnke Wegner
University of Minnesota
Captive Economies: Commodified Bodies in Colonial New England, 1630-1763


Melissa Johnson
University of Michigan
"Regulating the Word: Religious Reform and the Politics of Knowledge in the Seventeenth-Century Anglo-Atlantic"

Adrian Weimer
Providence College

"Rumors and the Restoration in Boston"


Jill Bouchillon
University of Stirling
"Friendship in Colonial New England, 1750-1775"

Christine DeLucia
Mount Holyoke College
"The Memory Frontier: Memorializing King Philip's War in the Native Northeast"


Nichole George
University of Notre Dame
"Riots and Remembrance: America's Idols and the Origins of American Nationalism"

Reiner Smolinski
Georgia State University
"Cotton Mather: The Life of a Puritan Intellectual"


Robyn McMillin
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
"Science in the American Style, 1680-1815: A School of Fashion and Philosophy, of Liberty and People"

Tyler Boulware
University of West Virginia
"Next to Kin: Native Americans and Friendship in Early America"


Sara Damiano
The Johns Hopkins University
"Financial Credit and Professional Credibility: Lawyers and Laypeople in New England Ports, 1700-1776"

Neal Dugre
Northwestern University
"Creating New England: Intercolonial Political Culture and the Birth of a Region in the Seventeenth-Century English Atlantic"


Justin Pope
Ph.D candidate, Department of History, George Washington University
"Whispers and Waves: Insurrection, Conspiracy, and the Search for Salvation in the British Atlantic, 1729-1742"

Richard Rath
Visiting Residential Scholar, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
"The Disenchantment of America: Mediating the Senses in the 18th-Century Atlantic World"

Recipients prior to 2009-2010

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